The change I’d like to make is to surround myself with flowers and nature.
The change I’d like to make is to transform hate into love, and fear into courage.
The change I’d like to make is for everyone to believe that they belong to society.
The change I’d like to make is put an end to unfairness.
The change I’d like to make is for there to be more snow in the winter.
The change I’d like to make is to the way we treat the elderly and young people.
The change I’d like to make is make people a lot happier.
The change I’d like to make is is for everyone to have someone they love and who loves them back.
The change I’d like to make is is to give love to those who don't have any.
The change I’d like to make is to be better at doing ordinary things other people find easy, even if then I'm no longer so good at some of the things I find easy but most people can't do.

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